Customized Tour 2 Hotspots (Quarterly Changes) Google My Business Post Facebook Post With this package every month either 2 hotspots can be changed or 2 additional hostpots can be added to current custom tour. This allows for additional hotspots to be added to any virtual tour throughout the subscription. For example, in 1 year if no hotspots where changed…
Customized Tour 2 Hotspots (No Changes) Google My Business Post Facebook Post We will create two hotpots for you, example: 1 store hour with direction hotspot and 1 hotspot which could be used to for benefits. A navigation menu qualifies as a hotspot as well if desired. * Upgrades are possible at anytime to higher tier subscription. Higher tier subscriptions…
Customized Tour | 2 Hotspots (Quarterly Changes) | Google My Business Post | Facebook Post With this package every quarter either 2 hotspots can be changed or 2 additional hostpots can be added to current custom tour. This allows for additional hotspots to be added to any virtual tour throughout the subscription. For example, in 1 year if no hotspots…
$427.00 / month for 12 months and a $495.00 sign-up fee
Google Tour (Up to 50 Panoramas) Customized Tour: 2 Hotspots (Monthly Update) | Google My Business Post | Facebook Post With this package every month either 2 hotspots can be changed or 2 additional hostpots can be added to current custom tour. This allows for additional hotspots to be added to any virtual tour throughout the subscription. For example, in…
$327.00 / month for 12 months and a $495.00 sign-up fee
Google Tour (Up to 50 Panoramas) Customized Tour: 2 Hotspots (No Updates) | Google My Business Post | Facebook Post With this package 2 hotspots are created with the intention to not make any changes. Examples would be Menu Navigation, Store Hours, Get Directions, Link to website or static content. *Can upgrade to quarterly or monthly package at any time.
$367.00 / month for 12 months and a $495.00 sign-up fee
Google Tour (Up to 50 Panoramas) Customized Tour: 2 Hotspots (Quarterly Update) | Google My Business Post | Facebook Post With this package every quarter either 2 hotspots can be changed or 2 additional hostpots can be added to current custom tour. This allows for additional hotspots to be added to any virtual tour throughout the subscription. For example, in…
$337.00 / month for 12 months and a $395.00 sign-up fee
Google Tour (Up to 25 Panoramas) Customized Tour: 2 Hotspots (Monthly Update) | Google My Business Post | Facebook Post With this package every month either 2 hotspots can be changed or 2 additional hostpots can be added to current custom tour. This allows for additional hotspots to be added to any virtual tour throughout the subscription. For example, in…
$237.00 / month for 12 months and a $395.00 sign-up fee
Google Tour (Up to 25 Panoramas) Customized Tour: 2 Hotspots (No Updates) | Google My Business Post | Facebook Post With this package 2 hotspots are created with the intention to not make any changes. Examples would be Menu Navigation, Store Hours, Get Directions, Link to website or static content. *Can upgrade to quarterly or monthly package at any time.
$277.00 / month for 12 months and a $395.00 sign-up fee
Google Tour (Up to 25 Panoramas) Customized Tour: 2 Hotspots (Quarterly Update) | Google My Business Post | Facebook Post With this package every quarter either 2 hotspots can be changed or 2 additional hostpots can be added to current custom tour. This allows for additional hotspots to be added to any virtual tour throughout the subscription. For example, in…